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Presale Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I get the presale link and code?
Visit your profile page and click on your show to get the presale link, code, and tips.

Why are tickets on sale on other sites before the presale?
No tickets are available before the presale. If a site is listing tickets for sale before the presale, they aren’t real tickets.

Did the section really sell out in 5 minutes?
Please keep refreshing. Ticket availability changes frequently in the first hour or more of the presale as people add and remove tickets from their carts. Often a section will appear sold out only to have new tickets appear minutes later. Typically, Ran Fans who continue searching in their preferred section have the best chance of getting the tickets they want.

What do I do if I got an error or want to change my order?
Unfortunately, we don’t have any special access to the ticketing site to make changes to orders or fix technical errors. You can find the contact information for each site below.
Most presales: Ticketmaster/Live Nation